You are exactly where you need to be, You are not missing out, falling behind, doing it wrong, not trying hard enough. Whatever opinions you may have about it, however imperfect. THIS IS YOURS WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW IS P E R F E C T !

18 June 2007

Flickr at last

Ok, I have forgotten my pledge of not adding any more online accounts. There are already plenty to keep track of...and yet I got me another one.

Finally. a Flickr account. Although not much to show off on it yet.
More will soon as I locate a pair of decent batteries to my old Fuji-Film 2.o.
It's either that or the dear favorite Olympus 6.0 landing safely by the end of the week.

Until either of those chances materializes, I'll keep relying on last years pics off of memory cards and Cd-s and the faithful (but not particularly photo-friendly) Nokia 7160 mobile.


Oh yeah ...the link to the pics.


  1. mire se na u bashkove ne flickr lal!ç'kenaqesi qe do takohemi dhe atje tashme:)
    nokia 7610 eshte yll si celular qe eshte per te fotografuar..nuk ja haj dot hakun , perpara Canonit ai i ka duruar me durim kinezi tere torturat e mia fotografike:)

  2. Welcome on board! Looking forward to the new pictures your going to upload there:))
