You are exactly where you need to be, You are not missing out, falling behind, doing it wrong, not trying hard enough. Whatever opinions you may have about it, however imperfect. THIS IS YOURS WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW IS P E R F E C T !

18 June 2007

"Suppressed desires"

Not mine though.
It's Susan Glaspell's comedy I am referring to.

I had the pleasure of interpreting it as a side project ( no study credits involved). I had, prior to this event, read Susan Glaspell's play "Triffles" as well as written a commentary on it. Quite a powerful piece albeit simple in presentation.

Anyhows, me and Molly represented two sisters in the play (Henrietta and Mabel). Not present at the picture, the third character of the play mister Brewster (part of the jigsaw as well as of the solution). It's a really funny piece about the pseudo-intellectual beliefs, modernism and overall the "new rights of passage" that a trip to a psychoanalyst's coach had become.

The setting: 1944 in New York. The shock of war has worn off. Freud and Jung are in. Everybody that is somebody has an intellectual calling. No conversation is complete without the mention of a complex or a dream. New words are attractive...ego, superego, libido....

Yes, indeed. It was a fun project. Seeing this picture reminded me of it.


  1. Shif shif, dhe teater paske bere! :)

    S'e njoh pjesen, por ketu ku jetoj une eshte akoma aktuale te flasesh duke perdorur terma "kompleksi i filanit", "psikanalisti me tha" etj, etj...kur them une qe jane te vonuar keta orendreqesit...:)

    Moj, se une jam kurioze nga natira, ti je ajo majtas, apo ajo djathtas. Do kisha "guess" majtas. JA i zbulova letrat, e kam kte te keqe....:)

  2. Si ishte ajo pyetja ;)
    Nga e majta ime apo tendja qe je pas ekranit :P

    Nderkohe pjesa eshte e bukur. Nje enderr qe shpjegohet keq (aplikohet shpjegimi per interesa vetjake dhe psikanaliza amatore).

    Po them vetem nje detaj: Brewster psh na del pule qe duhet te "Be a rooster".

  3. ok ok ti je klas ngjyrat , dekori te tera..u zilepsa sa me s'kla kur te pashe keshtu pse ta fsheh:) por per mire ama,se pashe endrren time te fshehur ne sirtar te realizuar nga ti fakt dhe ne me ata te shkolles patem bere mbremjen e matures dhe skeçin e gabeleve e lozem ne skenen e TOBIT ne Tirane por nuk eshte e njejta gje:) Cool!

  4. Talentet e tua po i shpalos nje nga nje cdo dite, keshtu te do partia e dashur:))

    p.s. cool picture!

  5. Eni, skena ishte e vogel. Nje nga skenat anesore te teatrit.
    Eksperienca ishte e paharrueshme :)

    Po t'u dha rasti prape mos e ler pa provuar (megjithese do ca pune).

    Belle, do citoj Samathen e "S& the C" per partine "I'll try everything once" :P

  6. hihihihi, try anything as long as you can:))
