You are exactly where you need to be, You are not missing out, falling behind, doing it wrong, not trying hard enough. Whatever opinions you may have about it, however imperfect. THIS IS YOURS WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW IS P E R F E C T !

05 June 2008

Aktualitet muzikor- fundjave

Nje nga favoritet e momentit. Duffy(kengetarja) vjen nga Wales dhe kendon kenge "retro" si kjo me poshte qe per nostalgjiket shoqerohet natyrshem me kenge te tipit "Stand by me".

Duffy dhe kenga e saj "Mercy".

Ja dhe teksti i kenges
Yeah Yeah Yeah x4

I love you
but I gotta stay true
my morals got me on my knees
I'm begging please stop playing games

I don't know what this is
but you got me good
just like you knew you would

I don't know what you do
but you do it well
I'm under your spell

You got me begging you for mercy
why won't you release me
you got me begging you for mercy
why won't you release me
I said release me

Now you think that I
will be something on the side
but you got to understand
that I need a man
who can take my hand yes I do

I don't know what this is
but you got me good
just like you knew you would

I don't know what you do
but you do it well
I'm under your spell

You got me begging you for mercy
why won't you release me
you got me begging you for mercy
why wont you release me
I said you'd better release yeah yeah yeah

I'm begging you for mercy
yes why won't you release me
I'm begging you for mercy

you got me begging
you got me begging
you got me begging

Mercy, why won't you release me
I'm begging you for mercy
why won't you release me

you got me begging you for mercy
I'm begging you for mercy
I'm begging you for mercy
I'm begging you for mercy
I'm begging you for mercy

Why won't you release me yeah yeah
break it down


  1. Tack Elais ! och glad slut vecka :)*

    * transl/bathfish/com

  2. @ Et: Grazie maestro! :))

    Sa kushtojne sherbimet perkthyese te bathfish? We might actually have a market here ;)

    @ Akull: I kam lexuar krahasimet midis A. Winehouse dhe Daffy po Daffy me duket me "innocente". Per me teper qe A.W. shumica e njeh tashme se s'la cep gazete e tabloidi nderkombetar pa mbuluar me "She will/she won't write a song for the next Bond movie".


  3. Mua më ngjau kënga më shumë se ndonjë gjë tjetër, si stili i muzikës apo mënyra e të kënduarit, shumë më "innocente" në shumë drejtime, sipas veshit tim, gjithmonë.

    Ti me siguri duhet ta njohësh dhe Adelen ,(unë e zbulova me ngazëllim një ditë tek po pastroja kuzhinën; jo në frigorifer, kuptohet), por meqë ra fjala.

    Fundjave t'vizllushme!

  4. Oh, dhe unë s'besoj se shumica e njeh AW nga publiciteti i 007. Dhe sikur, s'do ti ndryshonte asgjë zërit. (mos më shaj nga Amy, se bëhet njëra! :))

  5. Kurse une te falenderoj per kenaqesine qe me dhe,me kete kengetare qe nuk e kisha degjuar me pare.
    Perparim Hysi,5 qershor 2008

  6. @ Akull: Rrofsh per Adelen, nuk e kisha hasur me pare. Fundjave te mrekullueshme shoqe!

    @ Papi: Pershendetje! Gezohem qe te pelqeu.

