You are exactly where you need to be, You are not missing out, falling behind, doing it wrong, not trying hard enough. Whatever opinions you may have about it, however imperfect. THIS IS YOURS WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW IS P E R F E C T !

25 August 2014

O vargjebërës

Gërmat e tua
Gërvishin dicka tek unë, o poet.

Fjalët e tua
Fjollë bore në mëndjen time, o poet.

Bëmat e tua
Bëjnë eko në veshin tim, o poet.

Kanonet e tua
Kumbojne sic un' i dua, o poet.

Rimat e tua
Rrënojne dicka tek unë, o poet

Ndjenjat e tua
Ndjesi që as ti vetë s'i njeh
               o poet.

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