You are exactly where you need to be, You are not missing out, falling behind, doing it wrong, not trying hard enough. Whatever opinions you may have about it, however imperfect. THIS IS YOURS WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW IS P E R F E C T !

21 August 2007

I've got a new addiction...

 ...a secret one this time. It is not taking place completely away from the computer (although the amount of time spent in front of a computer is largely reduced due to other RL obligations such as planning a  couple of parties, having relatives over for some weeks, working double overtime, tending to the garden before it falls apart etc.  IMy addiction is neither chatting nor flirting online nor anything of the sorts.
It's just a bit epic and time consuming and social and ego flattering and a lot of other good things as only addictions can be.
All in all I'm just saying I'll be a bit offish for some more time (where some equals several weeks probably).


  1. glad to see you have s.t that's cheering you up..po mos u vono shume lalo se na thave syte tha..puç..

  2. congratulations for the new addiction!:)

  3. have fun with your new addiction and come back, ASAP :)

  4. And here I was thinking that you had taken up crack-cocaine!

  5. dhe per te shprehur ne emrin e parafolesve, çfare eshte ?

  6. Dhe une u bera kurioze. What's it???

  7. I thought that you're done with off time from us, but apparently i was wrong:)) however, have fun and enjoy your new addiction. its good to be away sometimes and get started on new things, But not for very long, okay:))

  8. Si je ylli?
    Mos kujto se nuk te lexoj.
    Kam pak dite qe jam kthyer nga pushimet, me shume dhimbje kuptohet, por keoken sa hyra ne net tek blogu-yt e kam.
    Si ke kaluar?
    Te puth
    p.s. italshtja jote eshte shume korrekte:)

  9. Si je ylli?
    Mos kujto se nuk te lexoj.
    Kam pak dite qe jam kthyer nga pushimet, me shume dhimbje kuptohet, por keoken sa hyra ne net tek blogu-yt e kam.
    Si ke kaluar?
    Te puth
    p.s. italshtja jote eshte shume korrekte:)

  10. @ Un- po ti pse :P

    @ Eni- Do perpiqem te mos vonohem lal por problemi me "varesite" eshte qe marrin cdo moment kohe te lire ;)

    @ Akull-naja: Faleminderit! It's good to know the albo-bloggers guild is rooting for me :))

    @ Selmaderadio: Will do!

    @ Its- Well you are allowed to hallucinate :P

    @ Tena: Ahh sekretet prandaj jane sekrete se nuk tregohen ;)

    @ Majla: There is a british saying "Curiosity killed the cat" :D

    @ Belle-Fleur: Well everything has its circles of occurrence blog dependecy had it's glory days during the spring, this other addiction is taking the time off late summer and probably will continue to rise during the fall.
    We'll see when it stops being interesting. :)

    @ Capri: You've got mail! Even more info coming your way by the end of next month. Hugs!

  11. I think congratulations might be in order.:)

    (Or like another british saying, I might be barking up the wrong tree..I hope not though)
