You are exactly where you need to be, You are not missing out, falling behind, doing it wrong, not trying hard enough. Whatever opinions you may have about it, however imperfect. THIS IS YOURS WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW IS P E R F E C T !

30 September 2008

Rremuja e perkryer...

Pothuaj te gjithe ata qe njoh deshirojne rregull dhe perpiqen te evitojne kaosin. Te edukuar me idene se rregulli dhe pastertia te ben me efektiv, me te sukseshem, tregon nivelin e duhur te respektit ndaj te tjereve etj etj i japim vetes me se nje here ndjenja negative e stresuese sepse nuk mundem, nuk na premtoi koha apo nuk ja dolem mbane te arrinim idealin e rregullit qe do te na kishte sjelle arritjen e idealit te ...

Per fatin tone te mire po te lexojme "A perfect Mess" te Eric Abrahamsson dhe David H Freedman, rremuja na ben me mire se rregulli. Per te parafrazuar Ainshtajnin "Nese nje tavoline e rremujshme reflekton nje mendjeje te rremujshme, cfare domethenie ka nje tavoline e zbrazet?"

Nuk do vazhdoj tu them me shume per librin por do t'ju sugjeroj kete faqe ne anglisht:

Dhe tani po ju le sepse me duhet te konstatoj nivelin e rremujes qe me rrethon...dhe te ndihem mire :)

28 September 2008


Ekspoziten "Earth from the air" e pashe rastesisht ne Gothenburg para disa vitesh. Fotot me impresionuan me ate qe paraqisnin dhe seria e kartolinave qe bleva do te ngelet gjithmone e paderguar sepse nuk do te doja te ndahesha nga ato foto. Ajo qe nuk dija (dhe per te cilen nuk u interesova te them te drejten) ishte qe fotot ishin bere nga fotografi Yann Arthus-Bertrand, i datelindjes 1946, te cilit ideja per fotot i lindi ngase merrej me fluturime me balona nga ku dhe shikonte ndryshimet e jazhtezakonshme qe i ndodhin planetit.

Ekspozita "Earth from the air" vazhdon te zhvendoset ne qytete te ndryshme dhe me se afermi mund te shihet ne keshtjellen e Oxfordit nga 20 shtatori 2008-janar 2009

Fotot e Yann Arthus-bertrand mund t'i kqyrni edhe ne

Foja me siper nga Ljubomir Lazarov gjate shfaqjes se ekspozites ne Bullgari dhe vjen nga

Ka shume gjera per te thene per fotografin dhe boten megjithate mendoj se eshte me mire t'u rekomandoj faqet e tij ne internet dhe t'u lejoj te nxirrni perfundimet tuaja.

23 September 2008

17 September 2008

Muzika e dites: Playing with fire

Playing with Fire lyrics
She was barely sixteen and too young to be drinking wine
She belonged to a guy with a car the aggresive kind
I got high on a rush when my eyes locked on hers
She would not look away and from there it got worse
She came up and said i know that pain doesn't hurt
I should have found the words
Come on come on it's late and we'reway off the track
Troubles wait for us now
If we kiss there'll be no turning back it's a fact
Troubles wait for us now
Cause we're playing with fire
I'm playing with fire
Playing with you
We went out in the night to the stars and the mystic moon
We were far from the crowd and a thought shall we get back soon?
But her face was so close and my mind was a mess
And the stars they said no but the moon whispered yes
She took my hand and said i know a place we can go
No one will ever know
Come on come on it's late....
Cause we're playing with fire
I'm playing with fire
Playing with you
Is playing with fire
And you got me burning now
Don't get me burning now..'

Lyrics come from Lyricsmode

14 September 2008

On a brighter note: self quizzing

I call myself a geek or a nerd at times. Mainly to piss off a couple of dinosaurs at work that can't seem to wrap their head around the fact that one might want to sit in front of the computer in the evening even after doing that at work all day. "What can there be to do with a computer" they say. They wouldn't approach a computer at home even if their lives depended on it. They have "mastered" the minimal amount of strokes needed to make work work (mainly by printing out the information needed, reading it through, consulting other colleagues, handwriting down information with perfectly rounded o-s and ideally dotted i-s and than transferring it into the, at times misguided and erroneous, strokes needed in the computer).They are however at a loss if they have to send a group mail instead of replying to the sender. So after trying for the ump-tieth time to tell them that even their close vaulted secrets, on "how to maintain a perfectly groomed garden" or "how to store and serve a selection of aged whiskey", can be accessed with a couple of keyboard strokes, that there are "places to go and friends to meet online", that I can skim through the information and still "make dinner, do the dishes, watch the news (heck I've read about them before they made it to the TV-info or the next morning paper)", that I actually do go to the movies and go out with friends and relatives and that computers and online groups and plays are not a freaky monster but a practical way to keep in touch with others as well as entertaining your inner child, I've given up. So if the conversation starts sliding towards "what did you do yesterday evening" I'll let their feeble believes stand unchallenged (they are dinosaurs after all heading for extinction) and close with "well I'm a geek so I hanged around the internet" effectively killing the conversation and depriving them of the chance to elaborate on the cousin's aunt's daughter's newlyborn drooler, the "7 ways to clean a bathtub with all natural substances and no chemicals" (which by the way was a magazine article chopped from the internet) or the latest British drama that actually is a re-run shown a couple of months before at a time more appropriate to my B-attitude (late riser, late worker, later sleeper).

Anyhow, according to the following "test" I am indeed a stereotypical geek!
How'bout You?

Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz.

Teknike e keqperdorur

Duke lexuar artikullin A slide into Mediocrity, nga Tara Brabazon nuk me ngelet gje tjeter vecse te bashkohem me idete e saj. Prezantimet me PowerPoint, te perdorura ne menyre jokompetente, demtojne ne vend qe te ndihmojne percjelljen e ideve tek degjuesit. Nje shembull teper i qarte qe sillet ne artikull eshte prezantimi i fjalimit te Martin Luther King "I have a dream". Shnderrimi i retorikes se fuqishme te King ne prezantim PowerPoint e mediokrizon retoriken. Nuk e di nese keni nerva te shihni prezantimin e mesiperm apo te lexoni artikullin e Barabazon, megjithate besoj se edhe ju ashtu si une jeni perballur shpesh here me seri faqesh PowerPoint, ne shkolla ose gjetke, qe kane qene teresisht humbje kohe dhe qe fare mire mund te ishin zevendesuar me nje "ligjerate" 5-minuteshe ne vend te mbledhjes perkatese gjysem oreshe te paraprire nga pergatitjet 2-3 oreshe te prezantimit gjate te cilit idete qe do te percohen bastardohen deri ne mosnjohje.

Dhe meqe e nisa me "I have a dream", po e mbyll me "I have a dream" nga Abba. Shpresoj se nje dite, prezantimet powerpoint do te perdoren ne menyre restriktive nga te gjithe dhe prezantuesit do t'i shtojne instiktivisht retoriken e tyre faqeve te prezantuara pa u mjaftuar me rileximin e pikave stakato te shoqeruara nga foto apo aplikime inkoherente qe te gjithe i shohin ne ekran.

07 September 2008

Fillimvjeshte ne bregdetet veriore

a) vajze qe vallezon ne natyre-ose peme
b) liqerth -ose gji detar i nje gadishulli i krijuar nga drure te zhvendosur nga deti
c) lule vjeshte - ose kerpudhe